Steering You Right (Tie Rod End Replacement)
December 25, 2022
For drivers, S stands for safety. And there are three other words that start with S that are all equally important: starting, stopping and steering. For your vehicle to be at its safest, all three functions must be in top shape. Steering is one of those things we take for granted. After all, y... More

Wasteful Thinking
December 18, 2022
With the weather getting colder, you might be tempted to start your vehicle up, let it idle for 15 or 20 minutes and then get in the nice, cozy cabin. Some vehicles offer remote starting that let you do that from the comfort of your home or apartment. But is letting your vehicle idle like that ... More

Getting from E to F (Fuel Gauge Problems)
December 11, 2022
Who thinks about their fuel gauge? You probably don't until it doesn't work any more. Then you have to guess how much fuel is in your tank, and that's no way to live life on the road. Fuel gauges, like every other part in your vehicle, can fail. And when yours stops working, you will probably... More

Can Car Scent Keep You Safe on Illinois Roads?
December 4, 2022
Here's a travel tip that'll I'll bet you didn't know, and it might keep you safer...The average American commuter in Illinois spends two and a half hours daily in their vehicle.The government says 100,000 auto accidents yearly are caused by drivers who fall asleep at the wheel. (Aggressive drivin... More