Good Timing: Proper Timing Belt Replacement Saves Money for Aurora Drivers
June 25, 2023
Knowing how their engine works can help Aurora drivers make informed decisions about auto care and prevent repairs to their vehicles. This is especially true when it comes to timing belts.An engine's power is generated in the cylinders. Inside the cylinder is a piston that moves up and down whil... More

That Vexing Vapor Venting (Vapor Coming out of Vents)
June 18, 2023
You may have noticed sometimes on a hot and humid day, vapor will come out of your vehicle's vents when you have the air conditioning on. Is that something to be concerned about? Well, it depends. Sometimes that steam or vapor can be caused by water accumulating in the vent system after it has c... More

Got it Covered! (Timing Cover Maintenance)
June 11, 2023
You may have heard at one time or another about something called a timing belt or timing chain in your engine. And you may know that if they fail well, let's just say that there can be some major engine damage. So obviously, we want our timing belts and chains to be in tip-top shape. One part t... More

The Flat Fix that Fits (Tire Repairs)
June 4, 2023
Can you think of anyone who likes getting a flat tire? Of course not. But when one of your tires winds up with a flat or leak, whether it be from things like hitting a curb, running over a nail or picking up a sharp stone, it's time to have someone who knows what they're doing take care of it. ... More