10 Services Aurora Drivers Often Overlook
June 30, 2022
We live such busy lives nowadays: work, social events, running the kids all over Aurora. Some days it's all we can do to keep track of everywhere we need to be. That's why you've gotta be organized. Smartphones, calendar apps - we have to keep track of it all.So let's talk about schedules. Speci... More

Treat Your Vehicle to Good Tires at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Aurora
June 29, 2022
When we shop for shoes, most of us know that we can get two pairs of cheap shoes or one good pair for about the same price. And since the two cheap pairs wear out in about the same time as the good pair, there really is no difference in cost. If you like having a closet full of shoes to match yo... More

Aurora Alignment Service
June 28, 2022
Your car might have an alignment problem if: it drifts or pulls to one side, your steering wheel is off center, you have uneven tire wear or your car doesn't feel like it handles right. When all of a vehicle's wheels are lined up exactly with each other, your wheels are in alignment. Running into... More

Does Your Car Have A Recall Item?
June 27, 2022
No matter how well they're made, vehicles are bound to have problems with their design or manufacturing. Think of all the moving parts. When the government thinks a problem is really serious, they require the vehicle manufacturer to issue recall notices to Aurora residents and to fix the affecte... More

Automotive Tips from Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Aurora: Rotor Problems
June 26, 2022
The brake rotor, or disc, is attached to your wheel. The brake pads rub on the rotor to slow your car when you are driving in Aurora.Rotors can warp, crack or become misaligned. They can also be damaged by worn out brake pads that scratch grooves into the surface. These conditions result in less ... More

Low Power Mystery (Ignition Coil Service)
June 26, 2022
It's no fun when your vehicle just doesn't run the way it used to. You may notice (especially in cold weather) the engine won't start easily or when it does start, it doesn't run smoothly. It may not have much power at all. You also may have had to stop at the gas station more often, a sign you... More

Take Charge! (Battery Testing)
June 19, 2022
OK, so you probably take your vehicle's battery for granted. Turn the key or push a button and it starts right up. During times of warmer weather, you probably think your battery can take it easy. But it may surprise you to learn that hot weather can be much harder on a vehicle's battery than ... More

Don't Neglect Your Spare (Spare Tire Care)
June 12, 2022
If you've ever had a flat tire, then you know welcome it is to have a spare tire that is properly inflated, in good shape and easy to get to. Problem is many of us don't even give our spare tire (if we even have one) a second thought. If you have an SUV or truck with a spare, it may be mounted o... More

The Sign of the Shield (Heat Shield Repair and Replacement)
June 5, 2022
Even in the months where temperatures are cooler, heat is still an enemy of your vehicle. When your engine runs, it creates heat, so there are numerous heat shields that protect other parts from those higher temperatures. Heat shields are installed around several areas of the exhaust system. Ot... More