No Fueling! (Fuel Filler Location)
March 29, 2020
If you've ever gotten in an unfamiliar vehicle, maybe a rental car, you may have pulled up to the gas pump and wondered, "Which side is the fuel filler on?" Here's a tip for you. There is usually a little arrow on the instrument panel near the fuel gauge that points to the side where the fuel fi... More

"Current" Affairs (Blown Fuses)
March 22, 2020
You may be driving along and find that suddenly your radio stops working. There are no numbers on the display. Then when you get home, you notice the garage door opener doesn't do a thing when you press the button. Hmm, this was working just fine this morning. Are the two problems somehow rela... More

Aurora Drivers Severe Service Maintenance Schedules
March 15, 2020
Since driving requirements and lifestyles differ among Aurora drivers, your vehicle manufacturer publishes two auto maintenance schedules: the regular schedule and the severe service schedule. Which schedule should Aurora drivers follow? Here are some questions to ask yourself:Are most of your tr... More

Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Aurora Automotive Tips: Alternator
March 8, 2020
Your alternator makes electricity to start and run your engine and all of the vital electrical systems in your vehicle. Thats everything from the on-board computers to the turn signals. And of course there is the entertainment system, seat heaters, power windows and everything you plug into the p... More

Aurora Drivers: Is It Time to Replace Your PCV Valve?
March 1, 2020
The crankcase is the lower part of the engine where the crankshaft is housed and where the engine oil lives. The crankshaft is connected to the pistons that power the engine. When you are diving around Aurora, fuel is burned in your vehicle engine, it pushes the pistons down and the crankshaft ... More