Tire Maintenance in Aurora
February 28, 2021
With the recent focus in the Aurora area on improving fuel economy, we've been told how important it is to maintain our tire pressure.Aurora drivers know that tires wear out, but we want to make them last as long as possible because they're not cheap to replace. In addition to saving gas, proper... More
Blind Spot Safety for Aurora Driving
February 21, 2021
Blind spots may be a good thing when it comes to a spouse's annoying habits, but when driving an automobile in Aurora, they are definitely to be avoided. So, while it's not good marital advice, it's good auto advice to minimize your own blind spots and stay out of other Aurora drivers' blind spo... More
Steering Clear in Aurora
February 14, 2021
Those who know vehicles believe the steering system may be the most vital component of them all. Perhaps you've found over the years your steering has gotten loose. Or maybe suddenly, your steering wheel has gotten very hard to turn. Let's steer you in the direction of understanding why this may ... More
Tire Rotation and Balancing at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Aurora in Aurora
February 7, 2021
Tires do a lot of work for Aurora drivers. They transfer engine power and braking forces to the road; they handle steering control; and they cushion all those bumps and jolts while driving around Aurora. They also support the entire weight of the vehicle, including you and your passengers. With ... More